Investigation Offices
Quality Services At Affordable Rates Since 1994
Take The Anxiety Out Of Stressful Situations
Get The Evidence And Peace Of Mind You Need
Private Investigator Child Support
Special Low Rates For Child Support Investigations
Since 1994 California Child Support Investigations has provided moms & dads The Best Child Support Investigation Services at Special Low Rates. Our Licensed Child Support Investigators will answer all your questions, provide Free Confidential Consultation and assist you step by step through the investigation process.

How To Collect
Child Support?
How We Help You Collect Child Support? You have a court order to receive Child Support but the other party isn't paying. We have 25 years experience investigating: Deadbeat Parents, Hidden Assets, Income Verification, Cash Employment, Cohabitation Self Employed, Wage Garnishment, Child Support Modification
Find The Best Child Support
Investigator In Your Area
Find The Best Child Support Investigator Near You? California Child Support Investigations has Licensed Child Support Investigators throughout California. With over 28 Years Experience Collecting Child Support, we will go to work to get the Child Support you and your children deserve. Find Child Support Investigator near you.
California Child Support Calculator
How To Calculate The Amount Of Child Support You Receive?
How Much Child Support Can I Collect? California Child Support Services and California Child Support Investigations help you determine how much money you can collect in Child Support payments. Use the California Child Support Calculator to get an estimate of the monthly Child Support payments that may owed to you.
What Does A Child Support Investigator Charge?
What Does The Best California Child Custody Investigator Charge? With 25 Years Experience, Child Support Investigations helps our clients win their Child Support Case and Collect Child Support. Since 1994 California Child Support Investigations has offered the Lowest Rates on Child Support Investigations. Get a Free Confidential Consultation and the Lowest Rates on Child Support Investigations
How To Hire The Right Child Support Investigator?
How To Hire The Right Child Support Investigator? Founded in 1994 California Child Support Investigations has made hiring the right California Child Support Investigator easy. You will be connected with an Licensed California Child Support Investigator in your area. a private investigator will assist you throughout the Child Support Investigation process. We Specialize in: Collecting Child Support, Deadbeat Parents, Hidden Assets, Working Under The Table, False Income Statements, Child Support Modification, Cohabitation
Find A Child Support Investigator In:
How To Collect Child Support?
How To Collect Child Support? California Superior Court takes several factors into consideration when setting and enforcing Child Support, Child Support Modification and Collecting Child Support . Use the information below in conjunction with a Family Law Attorney
What Is Child Support?
What Is Child Support? Parent are equally responsible for providing for the financial needs of a child. Child support payments are usually made until children turn 18 years of age. Either parent can ask the judge to make a child support order as part of a divorce or legal separation. Either parent can later ask the judge to change the support amount if the situation changes. Child support can be ordered by the local child support agency (LCSA)LCSA provides services to establish parentage and establish and enforce child support orders. To investigate a parent before file with the LCSA hire a Child Support Investigator
How Does Child Support Work?
How Does Child Custody Work? These are some factors a court with use when determining Child Support. How much money the parents can earn or receives; Number of children; Custody or support of non-paternal children; Health insurance; Union dues; Retirement contributions; Daycare or schooling; Health-care; Travel for visitation. To estimate the amount of child support, visit California Guideline Child Support Calculator.
What Is Paternity?
Paternity: The court makes orders that say who the child's legal parents are. If parents are married when a child is born, there is usually no question about paternity. The law assumes that the husband is the father and the wife is the mother, so paternity is established. For unmarried parents, paternity of the children needs to be established.
How Much Money For Child Support?
How Much Money For Child Support? Child support is based on a parent’s "net disposable income."This means the parent’s income after state and federal taxes and other required deductions. Additional income may be bonuses, commissions, overtime, supplemental or non-wage income. Parents may hide income in order to pay less child support. Our licensed Child Support Investigators identify Employment, Income, Assets to be used to Collect Child Support.
Does Child Custody Affect Child Support?
Does Child Custody Affect Child Support? California courts use the term "time-share" to describe Child Custody A judge may take the amount of child custody to calculate the amount of child support. This is the amount of hours each parent has primary physical responsibility for the child. Child support payments can decrease as child custody increases. Consult with the California courts or a Family Law Attorney.
How To Change Child Support?
How To Change Child Support? The court may change child support if a parent has had a significant change in the following: Parent's income; Child custody; Change in living situations; Cohabitation. Our Child Support Investigators specialize in Documenting Income, Living Conditions and provide evidence of Cohabitation. To obtain evidence of the changes at the lowest rate possible, submit your case information for a Free Confidential Consultation
Tips For Collecting Child Support
Tips For Collecting Child Support: Parents often hide factors that may change the amount of child support they pay or collect. This may include change in income or employment status; cohabitation (living with someone) "Dead-Beats" who do not pay child support and work "Under The Table" to hide income.
Our licensed Child Support Investigators obtain evidence so you can collect child support
Surveillance to follow a parent to work and obtain video of the parent working.
This is normally done a couple days a week over the course of several weeks.
You or you attorney receive a copy of the surveillance video and a detailed report.
The evidence we obtain in the course of the Child Support Investigation can be filed with:
The California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)
The local child support agency (LCSA)
The court appointed mediator or the judge assigned to you case.
How To Hire A Child Support Investigator?
Child Support Investigator
Find The Best Child Support Investigator
How to find The Best Child Support Private Investigator? There are several factors to consider when looking for a Child Support Investigator: cost, experience, licensing, and ability to work with your attorney or court representative. This free video will give you the key things to look for to find The Best Child Support Private Investigator. Contact us for a Free Confidential Consultation. We are here to assist you every step of the way.
Child Support Invesigations
How Child Support Investigations Work
How do Child Support Investigations work? This free video will explain how Child Support Investigators provide the court with unbiased evidence that can be used by the Family Law Facilitator and Child Support Agency to determine Child Support and Custody. Child Support Investigations are also used to collect from Deadbeat Parent, Hidden Assets and False Income Statements, Child Support Modification, Cohabitation and Custody Time. Have questions? Contact us for a Free Confidential Consultation