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Private Investigator Child Custody

Taking Care of the Kids
What Is A Child Custody Investigator

What Is A Child Custody Investigator?

How Can A Child Custody Investigator Help You Win Your Case? A Child Custody Investigator gathers evidence to be used during mediation and in court. Learn how a Child Custody Investigator can help you win your case.

Private Investigator Child Custody Surveillance

Child Custody Surveillance Investigations

What Is A Child Custody Surveillance? Surveillance is used to obtain evidence for your Child Custody Case. Court Order Violations, Child Endangerment, Establishing Custody, Cohabitation. Learn more about Surveillance Services

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Find The Best Child Custody Investigator Near You

How To Find The Best Child Custody Investigator with the Lowest Rate? Since 1994, California Child Custody Investigations has offered the best service at our Lowest Rate on Child Custody Investigation Cases. Get A Free Confidential Case Analysis

How To Hire The Best Child Custody Investigator?

How To Hire The Best California Child Custody Investigator Near You? With 25 years experience, California Child Custody Investigations are experts at assist our clients and their Child Custody Attorney Win Child Custody and protect children.  Since 1994 California Child Custody Investigations has offered the Lowest Rates on Child Custody Investigations. Hire The Best Child Custody Private Investigator with a Free Confidential Consultation and get the Lowest Rates.

Find A Child Custody Private Investigator Near You?

How To Find A Child Custody Private Investigator Near You? Since 1994 California Child Custody Investigations has made finding the best California Child Custody Investigator easy. With just one click you will be connected with an Licensed Child Custody Investigator near you. Your personal investigator will walk you through the Child Custody Investigation process and be there for you every step of the way.


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California Child Custody

Child Custody

The California family court system set child custody and visitation of children.

What Is Child Custody?

What Are The Types Of Child Custody?

Legal Custody: is the person who makes important decisions for your children.
Physical Custody: is the person who the children live or reside with.
Joint Custody: Both parents share responsibility to make the important decisions regarding the children.
Sole Custody: One parent has responsibility to make the important decisions regarding the children.

Parents with Legal Custody make decisions or choices about their children’s:
School; Child care; Residence; Religious activities; Doctors; Extracurricular activities
Parents who share legal custody both have the right to make decisions about their children’s lives.

Physical Custody can be: Joint, which means that the children live with both parents.
Sole or Primary, means children live with one parent most of the time and usually visit the other parent.
Joint Physical Custody doesn't mean the children must spend exactly half the time with each parent.
When one parent has the children more than half of the time, it is called “primary custody

Custody also called “time-share” is the plan for how the parents will share time with the children.  
Custody orders vary depending on the best interests of the children, and the parents situation.

Detailed Custody: is an strict list of dates and times when each parent will have custody.
Reasonable Custody: Allow the parents to work it out custody between them.
Supervised Custody: Used when children’s safety and well-being require visits be supervised.
No Custody: When custody with a parent would be physically or emotionally harmful to the children.

Violation Of Child Custody Order

What Is A Child Custody Violation?

What Is Violation Of Child Custody? When there is a Violation Of Child Custody Order proof of the violation must be proven.Types of Child Custody Violations include:Alcohol; Drugs; Cohabitation; Association with Criminal Element; Late to school; Missing custody times or dates; Failure to comply with court order; Violating restraining order; Leaving children in the custody of an unauthorized or restricted person.

Change Child Custody Order

How To Change A Child Custody Order?

How To Change Child Custody? To change Child Custody, a parent must show just cause for the change. Parent moving out of the area; Change in employment; Ability to care for children; Parent's current relationship or divorce; Living conditions; Loss of employment; Custody with a parent would be physically or emotionally harmful to the children. Child Abuse; Drug Abuse; Abusive Parenting; Incarceration; Child neglect.

Win Child Custody Case

How To Win Child Custody Case?

How To Win Child Custody? Our licensed Child Custody Private Investigators document violations and gather evidence for court or use by your Child Custody Attorney. We use undercover and covert surveillance to obtain video evidence of violations or abuse. Conduct interviews of witnesses and neighbors to obtain statements of violations or abuse. You receive a copy of the surveillance video and a detailed report. Find The Best Child Support Private Investigator in your area.

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